9 Low-Cost Ways to Increase Your Home Security

While modern smart home security technologies are great to have, they can be pricey. If you are looking for something more budget-friendly, you can benefit from these excellent tips, by the experts, for low-cost home security.

1. If You Go, Don’t Make It Obvious That You’re Going

When homeowners are gone for an extended amount of time, burglars can readily detect them. To prevent your home from being broken into while you are away, ask your neighbors to mow your grass, collect your mail, move your car around, or do other things that suggest there are people inside the house. A vacant house is a potential target and an invitation to robbery.

Jason Feldman, Founder at Immigrate Me

2. Paying Attention To The Details

I strongly believe that if a burglar doesn’t know what’s inside, they’re unlikely to break in. They won’t take a chance on something they can’t be sure about. Burglars will know there’s a lot to steal if you keep your valuable stuff out in the open. 

If a famous painting can be seen through your home’s windows, for example, you may wish to move it an inch or two away or close the windows to keep it out of sight. Move your automobile to your garage if you leave it parked outdoors. Do the same thing with any other valuable items you have in your yard.

Gerrid Smith, CMO Joy Organics

3. Don’t Make It Easy For Criminals To Conceal

Trim any trees or plants that could provide a hiding place or unnoticed access to your windows. Any plants that are tall enough to block a window should be pruned. You should also think about the lighting in your home. Look for dark spots surrounding your house that could allow a burglar to enter your home under the cover of darkness. 

Consider placing lights in strategic locations to illuminate entrances. Motion-activated spotlights are the ideal way to save electricity while also not bothering your neighbors or yourself with harsh lights.

Amber Morland, CEO & Founder of WinCope

4. Deceive The Burglars

When you leave the house, close the curtains and blinds and turn on lights and a radio to give the impression that someone is home. A dog or an electronic emulator that sounds like a dog barking when someone approaches is an excellent deterrent. I came across a gizmo today while shopping that duplicates the patterns of light produced by television when viewed through curtains.

FakeTV is a compact anti-burglary device that features many high-intensity output LEDs of various colors. These are turned on and off at random, giving the effect of television. This may be left on in your house when you are not there, and it costs a fraction of what it would to run a television. The item can be purchased on Amazon. 

Rameez Usmani, Tech and Security Expert at The Code Signing Store

5. Light Up Your Home Exterior

Burglaries can take place in broad daylight, but criminals prefer to operate beneath the cover of night. You can reduce many of the shadows and dark spots in your yard with carefully placed outside lights, which will eliminate most of the space where robbers may feel comfortable entering your property. 

When putting lights on the outside of your house, try to think like a burglar. Look for access points that would otherwise be hidden by darkness. Cover the front and back of the home, and if there are any windows or doors on the side, try to bring some light in. 

Consider whether you want lights that you turn on with a switch or lighting that are activated by motion. Motion-activated lights have the potential to be a more effective deterrent while also being more energy-efficient.

Tommy Gallagher, Founder at Top Mobile Banks

6. Get to Know Your Neighbors

One of the best free things people can do for their home security is to get to know their neighbors. Even better, get people’s phone numbers and (with their permission) start a group chat via text message. That way, if any neighbor sees anything suspicious, they can immediately check in with the group.

This method can be especially useful in urban neighborhoods. By getting to know the people in my building and the neighboring building, I can be sure that even when I’m not around, my neighbors will notice if anything is out of the ordinary and let me know.

Michael X. Heiligenstein is the publisher of the Firewall Times

7. Install Inexpensive Window And Door Alarms

Your doors and windows are your first line of defense. You need to make sure that they are secured at all costs. It’s why you need to make alarms your second layer of protection. Thieves are generally afraid to make any noise and alert anyone. By installing wireless alarms, you can send them running from the get-go.

8. Have ‘Indestructible’ Padlocks

Most thieves are in a hurry to get in, take what they can, and then get out. As a result, plenty of them only bring bolt cutters with them, break locks, and work fast. However, with a ticker lock and less exposed shackles, your lock is protected from a bolt cutter. 

9. Be Careful With Your Social Media

If you’re going on a vacation or will spend hours away from home, don’t post about it on social media. Post about your activities when you’re already at home. You should also avoid posting about your home address on your profile. 

Social media accounts are public. If a thief is persistent, they can monitor you online and go to your home when you’re not around. Limit your posts to only your friends and only share your intimate details only when necessary.

Andrew Barker, Founder of HomeownerCosts