Electrical Safety Tips Before You Go on Vacation

Going on vacation, and worried about leaving your home? Read this article, a collection of advice from professionals to help you prepare your home for when you leave for your next trip. For nothing beats a good vacation better than a good vacation with peace of mind.

From Robert Banks, Founder of MrStocks:

Make Sure To Unplug Appliances

Whenever we’re leaving the house that may take some time away, we’re making sure that unused appliances are unplugged from the outlets. Appliances that have standby mode still consume electricity even a bit and may cause harm when neglected for too long as they may overheat or other possible problems. Some appliances can be left turned on and connected to power sources like those you can remotely check even when away. That’s why it is best to focus on those not being used, like flat irons, hairdryers in the bathroom, phone chargers that are just left after charging, and some cooking appliances. So make it a habit of checking those appliances before leaving the house because it’s always better to be safe and worry-free. 

From Emily Cooper, Founder of Oliver Wicks:

Forgetting some basic electrical safety tips can prove to be dangerous and damaging. Always be mindful of your home and office’s electrical safety, especially on vacation. Here are some simple tips that you can follow: 

  1. Make sure to unplug all gadgets and appliances to prevent overheating and damage. 
  2. Make sure to turn off all Christmas lights when not in use or unsupervised; this has been the cause of many home fires. 
  3. Fix any faulty wiring ASAP. 
  4. Do not delay this, as faulty wiring can also lead to explosions and fires. 
  5. Make sure all switches are turned off. Apart from the danger it poses, it can also save you from incurring a high electricity bill. 
  6. Know the location and function of your switchboard; this helps you know the right switches to turn off in case of emergencies. 

From Kyle Kroeger, Founder of Vita Travelers:

Take Out All The Plugs

You heard that right! Do you know that sometimes, the current keeps flowing in appliances even if the switch is off? It’s a common problem that most people are unaware of. This is why I suggest that you unplug all unnecessary electrical appliances such as your TV, Microwave, iron, and more before you head out for your vacation. If you must keep your fridge or heating systems on, then it’s alright. At least minimize the risk, but to be on the safe side, do call over an electrician to check their wirings and fuse before you leave. 

Power surges, unlike people, do not take holidays, and they are more than capable of causing damage to your appliances and potentially even a fire. So be careful! 

From Robert Scott, Founder of Sell Land:

Calibrate Your Alarm Systems 

As a real estate business owner and a civil engineer, I am well aware of the hazards of leaving a house unoccupied for a long time. Days or weeks before your vacation, I recommend contacting a qualified electrician to check on your alarm systems, including fire and smoke sensors as well as security alarms. Ensure that they are working since a lot can happen when you are away. You will enjoy your getaway more with one less thing to worry about. 

From Joe Kok, Founder of GoodCloudStorage:

Don’t Leave The Lights On When You Are Out 

We’ve heard our friends and family talking about how they secured their homes when they were away on vacation, and the most common step they mention is to leave the front light on to deter burglars and intruders. 

Check Your Alarm Systems 

Most homes are now equipped with fire and smoke sensors and security alarms. Modern systems used in newer homes are wired to the main power. Before going on a vacation, make sure that all the alarm systems work if something unexpected happens when you’re away. 

From Craig Miller, Co-founder of Academia Labs LLC:

Turn Off The House’s Electrical Supply At The Main Breaker

This way, there is no possible source of electrical outages and circuit breaks while you are away. Most fires originate from circuit breaks and sparks. Hence, it is most recommended to turn it off from the source. 

From Caroline Pereira, Lead Editor of TechUnderWorld:

As we plan on going on a Vacation, our minds often become jumbled and caught up in the pre-vacation necessities. But the one thing we cannot miss out on or compromise giving time to is the Safety Measures we take before leaving our house for long. This Safety Extravaganza starts with getting the house’s electrical part in control. Here is the Top electrical safety measure one must take before going on vacation. 

  1. Unplug all electrical appliances and connections. We might often forget to switch it off, but we will never forget that we unplugged the appliance. 
  2. Get a safety inspection done beforehand to ensure no faulty wires or Hazardous appliance issues. Prevention is always better than cure. 
  3. Check your alarm systems and protect the home with Power surge protectors. And that’s it. You are good to go and enjoy the vacation you deserve.

From Scott Hasting, Co-founder of Betworthy LLC:

Have one of your family members or a trusted friend check up on your house while away. Though you can turn off all electrical connections when you go on vacation, it is still best if someone gets to check up on your house while you are away. This works both ways for electrical security and burglar checking. Just make sure that you trust the person going to your house. If not, install a CCTV for your peace of mind. 

From Jesse David, CEO of Tauria:

It is indispensable to cut off the water and electricity before going out for your vacation. Many people turn off the faucet without turning off the main water valve at home, preventing sudden water leakage. As for power failure, if you’ve stored too much food in the refrigerator, it is best to unplug all the other plugs and leave only the refrigerator to avoid any problems occurring to your electrical appliances. 

From Matthew Magnante, Editor of Fitness Volt:

Here are some of the electrical safety tips before you go chasing adventures: 

  1. Turn off the lights when you are away; keeping them on can cause overheating. 
  2. Unplug all the electric devices and appliances.
  3. Make sure your alarm systems are working properly. 
  4. Reserve and electrical fire safety inspection. 

From Colin Barker, Co-founder of Neptune Online LLC:

The best tips are mostly the easiest. Unplugging the electronic devices and machines which won’t be in use when you’re out of your house can help a lot. It won’t just cut the extra bill but could save you from any mishaps. Before you lock the door, make sure to turn off and unplug the television, air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, and more such devices. 

From Howard Birnbaum, Founder of Magik Flame:

Before going on vacation, you should ensure that you’ve unplugged all electrical appliances and fixed every faulty electrical power source. If you’ve put up decorations for the holidays, absolutely make sure that you unplug those needing electrical power since they generally tend to develop faults fast. 

From Robert Johnson, Founder of Sawinery:

Electrical fires are caused by faulty or broken wiring and related electrical equipment, followed by lights, light fixtures, cords, plugs, transformers, and other power supplies, which account for 69 percent of all fires. Always speak with an expert while looking for potential fire hazards in your house. Let me share how this can be prevented by following simple safety tips.

Unplug Any Appliances Or Electronics That Aren’t In Use

This is a simple safety tip that is often overlooked. Unplug appliances or electronics before leaving your house to travel! Even if you aren’t using them, they might still use electricity and cause a fire.*

Examine Your Alarm Systems

Before leaving on vacation, double-check that all home alarm systems are functional if something unanticipated occurs while you’re away. Contact a skilled electrician who can undertake electrical wiring and safety checks if you’re unsure how the alarm systems are wired. 

Power Surge Protectors Should Be Installed in Your Home 

To safeguard your appliances and home wiring from a major power surge, make sure your home is fitted with a whole-house surge protector. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable electrician to evaluate your property and make power surge protector recommendations. 

Make An Appointment For An Electrical Fire Safety Inspection

Schedule an electrical check of your home with a reputable electrical firm like Austec Electrical before embarking on a long trip. Hazardous appliances, electrical wiring concerns, lighting issues, and power meter box issues will all be discovered during a complete inspection. Once all of the problems have been identified, a trained electrician may make the necessary repairs the same day, giving you the peace of mind you require before departing on vacation. 

From Eva Keller, Haro Responder of Discovering Hidden Gems:

The last thing t do before leaving the house before a trip is unplug everything that doesn’t need to be plugged in. Most electronics in the bedroom and living room are connected to power strips, so turn off the power strips. Extra kitchen appliances like a toaster and air fryer also get unplugged. 

From Shiv Gupta, Marketing Director of Incrementors Web Solutions:

Book an Electrical Fire Safety Inspection 

Schedule an electrical examination of your house with a reputable electrical firm, such as Austec Electrical, before taking a long trip. A comprehensive check will reveal dangerous equipment, electrical wiring problems, lighting difficulties, and power meter box concerns. Once all of the problems have been identified, a competent electrician may make the necessary repairs on the same day, providing you with the peace of mind you require before leaving on vacation. 

From Thomas Hawkins, Master Electrician of Electrician Apprentice HQ:

Schedule An Inspection 

When going on vacation, especially a long one, schedule an electrical inspection. Either find a reputable resource online or possibly contact your power provider. They may be able to help. At any rate, they’ll be able to identify any potential issues that could be catastrophic while you’re away, and you should be able to make the appropriate adjustments without spending a lot of cash. 

Time The Lights 

Yes, leaving the lights on is a good idea when you go on vacation. But leaving them on all day long can be a money suck. Instead, use an app if your home is smart, or set the lights to come on at appropriate periods. That way, you’ll be safe without wasting a lot of money. 

From Shiv Gupta, CEO of Incrementors Web Solutions:

Unplug all Electric Appliances and Devices 

This is not just safety advice, but it is also energy-saving. Because no one will be home to operate or monitor your home appliances and equipment, it is best to disconnect them and turn off any outlets and switches. Leaving equipment plugged in while you are away raises the possibility of something unexpected happening, such as an electrical fire. Even when appliances are switched off, they continue to consume modest quantities of power if they are left plugged in. You’ll thank yourself when you get a shockingly low electricity bill after your trip. 

From Aviad Faruz, CEO of Faruzo:

You should turn off all the high-voltage lights before leaving your home and try to turn on low-voltage lights in all the rooms and dining areas to avoid high electric bills and clear vision if you return home at night in the future. If your house is equipped with an alarm for safety measures, you must inspect its working before leaving your home. To avoid power surges, you must install high-quality power surge protectors. It would be best if you unplug all electrical appliances that can cause electrical damage in the future due to continuous working.